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Meetings, Greetings, and Getting Down to Business

The day started out rainy, but that didn't seem to dampen anyone's mood. We were all very eager to go to the hospital to begin our two week long learning experience.

Our morning began with the orthopedic and clubfoot employees. We sang a hymn and Simon lead a devotional. We focused on Acts 3 where Peter heals a beggar.

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping,and praising God. When all the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.

This passage connects with Cures mission of providing both physical and spiritual healing. When someone is healed physically there is an opportunity to share the good news of Christ. Cure stresses their mission of healing the whole person - 50% physical, 50% spiritual.

After the devotional we all got to tour the hospital before splitting into our respective teams and beginning our work.

The ROCK team began the day by introducing the technicians to the iPad and the scanning software. By the end of the day they had figured out how to use the Photobooth App as well as some other fun but simple things... so I think we not only gave them a useful tool for treating patients, but a toy as well :) The technicians were very eager to learn and we were able to have a lot of fun with them scanning various things - including taking a scan of almost everyone's head!

It was great to see them practicing their scanning skills even after the day was over and we were about to leave. I have no doubt that they will work hard to be successful with this system. It is really neat getting to observe each technician's strengths and weaknesses with the technology.

The Clubfoot team got hands on experience today working in the clubfoot clinic, which takes place every Monday and Wednesday. They got to watch babies be fit with casts, to observe casts be cut off, and Luke actually got to cut casts off of patients all by himself! They learned a lot about Cure's current practices in treating clubfoot, so that they can better serve the department. Bekah and Luke went to see a tenotomy later in the day, which is a very common procedure to do on clubfoot patients. It is really great getting to learn more about clubfoot myself through hearing about their experiences. (All info courtesy of Luke's diary) ;)

Around 11:00 we had tea time. This was one of my favorite things that we have done so far. They served chai with Samosas, which is a fried wheat tortilla with meat and vegetables inside.

Dinner was served around 6:00 and we had rice, meat, and vegetables. We got a chance to eat with many other people staying at the guest house, including volunteers from Mississippi and Washington State.

(Yes Mom, Dad, Alex, and family - that is meat that I willingly put on my plate to eat for dinner. It was actually really good!)

Although our day started out rainy, we had a beautiful sunset to watch along with some evening entertainment! Two local boys from the community having a light saber fight :)

We all got together after dinner, reflected on the day, and had a team devotional by Tim (we decided to rotate days from now on so that he didn't have to do it everyday). We focused on Titus 3.

Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling,to be gentle, and to show perfect

courtesy toward all people.

We connected these verses to a passage from a book Serving With Eyes Wide Open where it talks about the importance of finding out the needs of the people you are serving - not assuming or fabricating them on your own.

Below is a GoPro video which compiles all of the footage I was able to get today. More to come tomorrow!!

P.S. John Meyer - if you're watching this - ignore the clip of Dan using a power tool with no safety glasses!


Cure International

Kijabe Road, Kijabe, Kenya

©2017 by Cure Kijabe - 2017. Proudly created with

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