Down To The Wire (Or In This Case The Belt)Hello everyone!! It was a long Thursday for our team! Tim, Dr. Kieffer, and Luke spent the morning touring Kijabe Hospital, which is...
Songs and SportsToday is the day we've all been waiting for!! We had our big singing performance during Cure's weekly chapel. The clip is in the GoPro...
Business as Usual (Kind of)Hi Everyone!! We are back from more than 24 hours without WiFi! It was good for all of us to be disconnected for a while - but we did end...
Whirlwind of a WeekendHi Everyone!! What a fun/busy/rewarding/tiring weekend we had!! Saturday we joined the hospital in celebrating World Clubfoot Day. There...
So Far SafariYesterday was Madaraka day in Kenya!! The country attained its independence in 1963, and became a republic in 1964. On Madaraka Day,...